This painting is titled “Predictions” as it foreshadowed a lot of my future, including traveling overseas to specific cities.  I didn’t realize these things were going to happen at the time I painted it, but I think it’s pretty magical!

Description of the painting shortly after it was finished:

“I’ve tried to get in touch with my roots in the British Isles, which for reasons known and unknown make me uncomfortable.  England had an empire that violently dominated a majority of the planet for hundreds of years.  I’m also Irish, whose countrymen are known for alcoholism, racism and prevarication.  It’s a bit unsettling.

However, I’ve deliberately looked for the positive side of my heritage.  The Irish are also known for their spirituality (think leprechauns and faeries) which is a consistent them in my work.  They also embrace the color green! This painting showed me how beautiful and expansive green can be-ranging from a minty turquoise to warm frothy lime. 

Another influence of mine is British artist William Morris. Morris was best known for his intricate, plant-centered wallpapers. His designs often featured tumbling Acanthus (seen in this painting), chrysanthemums and other European flora and fauna intertwined with each other in beautiful patterns.  Morris’ work contains a fluidity and grace I strive for in my own aesthetic.

Sometimes adopting a different attitude on a subject makes a world of difference.  

This painting also contains visions of my goals and dreams, along with a few demons.”


50 in x 30 in - Available- Purchase Info